Ep.4 - Leighton and Sandy (Clarke Specialties)
Hanging out and talkin' cheerleading with our friends.
Episode Notes
Episode 4 is all about cheerleading music: songs, mixes, nuances, plus some cheer nerd stuff too.
We were fortunate enough to get to sit down with the duo behind Clarke Specialties (ClarkeSpecialties.com), one of the top cheer music production companies in the industry, Leighton and Sandy Clarke. Together they've coached and competed at almost nearly every level, bringing so much knowledge to their teams and their business. Currently, they are the All Girl Cheer Coaches at USF (University of South Florida).
-- Listen.MarkThru.com --
Episode Sponsor: Cheer Chalk (CheerChalk.com)
Intro Music: Clarke Specialties
Host: Scott Borgmier
Co-Host: Lauren Borgmier
Editor: Scott Borgmier
Producer: Scott Borgmier
Executive Producers: Scott Borgmier & Lauren Borgmier
Watch the Show on YouTube! -- Mark Thru Cheer Podcast listen.markthru.com | @theMarkThru
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